Har målat sedan unga år, från en plats att bygga drömmar kring till att bli mitt yrke. Målningarna rymmer många gånger tankar kring hur vi förhåller oss till varandra, yta och identitet med siluetterna som berättare. Arbetar heltid som kreatör med ateljé hemma i Varberg och studio i Göteborg. Är utbildad på Textilhögskolan i Borås, textildesign, med konstnärlig utbildning som grund. Konst, workshops och design är mitt värv. Välkommen att höra av dig.
Väl mött! Anette Kontakt: [email protected] |
Fabriksgatan 43 Göteborg |
I'm the designer who longed for home. I needed to let the taste of the landscape and the colours of the small community seep into my artistic endeavours and design solutions. To see the big in the small . My name is Anette Carlsson Moberg, living on the west coast in Sweden. Here I've started my creative business built on the foundations of my design career. The creativity is the source and it covers many different areas of expertise. I call my company Patternplan. Do not hesitate to contact me.
I'm the designer who longed for home. I needed to let the taste of the landscape and the colours of the small community seep into my artistic endeavours and design solutions. To see the big in the small . My name is Anette Carlsson Moberg, living on the west coast in Sweden. Here I've started my creative business built on the foundations of my design career. The creativity is the source and it covers many different areas of expertise. I call my company Patternplan. Do not hesitate to contact me.